
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Making Our Own Pizza!

In preschool one of the skills tested on the district wide math assessment is following steps; first, then, next and last. Each Friday we participate in a cooking activity which requires children to look at and follow a recipe. We talk about each of the ingredients, how much of each ingredient is used and the steps that are taken when following a recipe. We have made our own play dough, followed the steps (first,then, next and last) and talked about measuring proper amounts of each ingredient. The following week we made our own english muffin pizzas. We read the book, The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza which was part of our curriculum. To couple math with this literature, we made our own pizza and practiced following the steps using the language first, then, next and last.


  1. I love this idea! There's nothing like real world connections to help students understand something abstract like sequencing in literature. I have a very long Friday afternoon and this is something that would fit in seamlessly and provide a jumping off point for those kiddos ready to begin to test our their retelling skills. Thanks!

  2. McKenzie, your classroom looks so welcoming. It has so much light and I love the natural woods! Oh, and your animoto rocks, too ;)
    I bet your students loved being a part of this. I think the added technology element engages them just that much more. You should see the enthusiasm my students have to write reading responses whenever we use the app MIndMash just because they can incorporate pictures of themselves and their books and post/ see their work online! They are very egocentric at this age, and I love to play that to my advantage.

  3. I really enjoyed watching your Animoto! What a great way to link math and literacy together. I'm sure your students had a lot of fun while learning at the same time!
